Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dr. Steven M. Quiring - 1523 Words

Introduction and overview Dr. Steven M. Quiring (hereinafter, Dr. Quiring) is a climatologist, associate professor and graduate director in the Department of Geography at Texas AM University. As his research assistant, I felt so happy to work with such an excellent, patient, and easygoing scholar over this semester. And I was fortunate to be assigned to interview him so as to have an opportunity to know him better. Dr. Quiring and I met at his office on Tuesday, November 17th. Due to he is one of the busiest faculty members in the department of geography, so finally we conducted a short half-hour interview. We talked about his research, career path, the qualities and skills that he deems a successful geographer should have, and his†¦show more content†¦Then he gradually lost interest in this major. During the first semester, he took an introductory of physical geography course, which is a science course for non-science majors. This was his first time to try to understand and learn geography. Before t hat, he claimed he did not really know about geography in the high school. He got really interested in geography from the class he took in his first semester. And he started to choose more geography-related courses, learn it online, and discover the latest news from this discipline. In his view, geography is a practical and attractive discipline, which is closely connected to the real world with a very extensive application. So he switched his major. â€Å"A good teacher may shape your future.† A good teacher can teach you knowledge, import wisdom to you, and even bright your future. Dr. Quiring said he switched his major and eventually become a geography professor also because the professor he met in that class impacted him a lot. His first geography professor is a climatologist, who did a really good job of teaching the courseï ¼Å'stimulate the studentsï ¼Å'and aroused their interest in the study. This professor is one of the most impressive professors for Dr. Quiring, who changed Quiring’s attitude to geography. After that, Dr. Quiring switched his major and decided to be a geography faculty member when he was a junior student.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Upgrading A Network Infrastructure Philips Insurance...

A†¢ Upgrading the Network Infrastructure Analysis A data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, networked devices pass data to each other through data connections. These connections between the devices in the networks are established by using either cable or wireless media. Computer networks differ in the physical media used to transmit their signals, the communications protocols to organize network traffic, the networks size, topology and organizational intent. With the rapid technology era, upgrading the network is an important and vital change in this organization. It will involves lot of cost and time for the management and the users in the organization. But the benefit is†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ The users employees will learn anew technology. †¢ The company security system would be increased. Threats (T) †¢ The company is tend to competition from different companies. †¢ The company’s Data is huge and it involves vital data integration and data security. Any leakage could lead to proplem for the company. Part 2: Visual explanations of potential solutions †¢ Checklist 1. Backup process 1.1. Finding the hard disks for backup. 1.2. Taking a backup plan for the same. 1.3. Informing the stakeholders about the backup process. 1.4. Taking backup in pilot phases and labelling the same. 1.5. The videos and current slides of the class session should be taken as a backup and installed on new systems. 1.6. Find the data capacity. 2. Finalizing the database hardware and software 2.1. Finding the fields in use against each tables. 2.2. Checking the disk sizes under each current servers. 2.3. Checking the list of installed software in the servers. 2.4. Checking the utilization of each software. 2.5. Checking the current data transactions per day. 2.6. Checking the table structure of the each table. 3. Security issues 3.1. Making a probability and impact analysis of the risks on the data. 3.2. Installing appropriate software for the validation of the data. 3.3. Taking backup of the data in secure way. 3.4. Checking the security of the company with respect to data. 3.5. Installing appropriate steps to avoid leakage of the data. 3.6. The dataShow MoreRelatedTerm Paper4224 Words   |  17 Pagescontributions that the parent can make on the businesses. Using this there are five possible situations: 1. Heartland, 2. Edge of Heartland, 3. Ballast, 4. Alien Territory and 5. Value Trap businesses. Heartland businesses should be the future of the company whereas the parent should be careful with value trap and alien territories. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Journal Higher Education Policy Management -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Journal Higher Education Policy Management? Answer: Intoducation India-Australia bilateral relationship is referred to the foreign relationship between the Republic of India and Commonwealth of Australia. The bond between the two countries is strong enough since they share political educational, sporting and economic ties. In this report detailed analysis of the impact of student migration from India to Australia on the bilateral relationship between the two countries have been discussed. According to research, the bilateral relationship between India and Australia was strong since 1788. The migration of students from India to Australia has imposed a positive impact on this relationship ( 2013). One of the chief reasons behind this can be considered as the commendable growth of Indian population in Australia which is beneficial for the both the countries; economical and political growth. Being a developing country, students in India are seeking for better opportunities and hence they are migrating to Australia, which is a well-developed country. According to Gribble and Blackmore (2012), migration of Indian students to Australia is also proving beneficial to Australia, since a good number of Indian students are emerging as highly skilled professionals which in turn are imposing positive impact on Australias economic development. About 53,000 Indian students are studying in Australia and thus India has become Australias second largest source of overseas student. Another beneficial impact of this migration can be seen on Australias space, science and Technology. In 2014, Indian students and scientists receding in Australia had conducted an experiment on the efficiency of Robotic vehicles to perform tasks on Mars. However according to India-Australia Relations (2015), the number of Indian students in Australia has reduced from 4800 to 4600. Two of the chief reasons behind this is considered to be the tightening of Visa regulations and several changes in skilled migration rules. The attack on Indian students on 2009-10 and the rising value of the Australian Dollars are also responsible for this declination. These facts had also imposed negative impact on the bilateral relationship between the two countries. However, in recent years, the number of attacks on Indian students has reduced significantly due to the stern steps taken by the Australian Government. Robertson (2015) argued that Indian students in Australia are not getting enough facilities when compared to the facilities given to the native students. This in turn, is imposing negative impact on the relationship between the two countries. A majority of Indian students in Australia are not allowed citizenship even after a prolonged stay in the country. Another major issue faced by the Indian Students in Australia is Racism. According to the author, Australia is still struggling with racism issues even after 40-year legacy of official multiculturalism. From the above discussion it can be concluded that in spite of suffering from a few issues, the bilateral relationship between the two countries is gaining strength due to migration of Indian Students in Australia. Considering the fact that both the countries are enjoying political and economic benefits from this relationship, both Australia and India should implement active measures to eradicate the issues faced by Indian Citizens in Australia. Reference List: Gribble, C. and Blackmore, J., 2012. Re-positioning Australia's international education in global knowledge economies: implications of shifts in skilled migration policies for universities.Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management,34(4), pp.341-354. 2013.'India-Australia relations: The way forward'. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2018]. India-Australia Relations. 2015. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2018]. Robertson, S. 2015.The Production of the Indian Student: Regimes and Imaginaries of Migration, Education, Labour, Citizenship and Class. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2018].