Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Discuss the ethical issues in the Monsanto case Essay

Discuss the ethical issues in the Monsanto case - Essay Example Most cases, the company owned up its failures and strived to clean up in its attempt to safeguard its stakeholder interests. In its attempt to balance the stakeholder interests, Monsanto has often disregarded a number of ethical issues mostly in health, environmental and moral issues as the discussion below portrays. The company has a poor reputation owing to the number of scandals arising from the unethical techniques it employs in its operations. The debate around the suitability of genetically modified foods continues to jeopardize the activities of the company and its profitability given the fact that the company prides itself in the sale of such products. Genetically modified foods present a number of advantages to the society. Genetically modified substances mature faster and are resistant to both drought and pests. As such, genetic modification of foods is among the surest ways of enhancing the global food security (Gillam, 2009). Such arguments continue to enhance the profitability of the company since the company presents the answer to some of the world’s greatest concern. Food insecurity in Africa is of a major concern. Through consistent research on genetic modification of agricultural products, the company promises to develop plant and animal species that can help improve food security in the continent. While such beliefs continue to improve investor confidence on the company, Monsanto must continue employing ethical practices in order to safeguard the safety of the substances it develops. The company must address all the major concerns and doubts that people have on the safety and suitability of the genetically modified foods (Fraedrich, Ferrell & Ferrell, 2012). Another equally important ethical concern is environmental degradation. Global warming is a real threat to the safety of the earth. As such, the company must enhance the safety of its operations with the view to protecting the environment from such of the pollutant its produces. In

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Thematic element Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thematic element - Essay Example The monster was not happy with Victor because he was lonely and people always shied away from him. This is when it embarks on a revenge mission to ensure that Victor was also as lonely as it was. He does this by killing all the people that were close to Victor and even threatens to kill Victor himself unless he made him a beautiful lady monster for it to marry. Victor is afraid and decides to make a lady monster but the thought of the harm they would do once they are together, makes him destroy her. The big monster is not happy with this act and threatens Victor that he will visit him on his wedding night. On that fateful night, the monster did as he had promised and kills the bride, Elizabeth. On hearing this news, Victor’s father died out of shock and it is here where Victor decides that he will also destroy the big monster to revenge for his dead relatives and friends. Victor though dies before he could do this but the monster assures the people that he was alone and that h e was guilty of what he had done and that he will also kill himself so as to come to terms with what he had done. â€Å"Beloved† by Toni Morrison is also a thrilling story about a mother who had three children but was held in slavery. The master at the plantation was so stressing and always wanted to take the children from Sethe, the mother. Sethe was not happy and decided that instead of giving her children out; she would rather kill them and take them to a place where they will be â€Å"safe†. In the process, only the first born daughter dies and she is buried on a grave that was only labeled on its plague â€Å"beloved†. After a long time, the family returns home from a journey to find a beautiful woman seated in the front of their house and identified her to them as beloved. Sethe realized that this could be her dead daughter, who had come back to life and out of guilt, pampered her with so much